Saturday, October 6

Love and Gratitude

I woke up this morning feeling very grateful.  It's not something that happens very often sadly, but it was a wonderful feeling.  I started crafting and watching a love story on Netflix.  When it was over I decided to text my two sister in laws hello and that we love them.  Then I texted all of Mr. Bird's aunts that we were thinking of them.  I only briefly wondered what compelled me to do all that on a random Saturday morning.  Then I realized it's not a random Saturday morning.  Mrs. Lady Bird passed away two months ago today.  The gratitude for having had her in my life, and the opportunity to learn what family can be is eternal.  Today I feel it so strongly.  Her senior picture sits on our mantle looking over us.  Gracias mamacita, te quiero mucho.

May love and gratitude fill your heart today.
this little bird

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post,and tribute, Little Bird.
