Wednesday, November 14

This Little Bird is growing up!!

Happy Fall friends!!!!  Some exciting things have happened in the bird shop this week.

First, we've gone INTERNATIONAL!!  I made my first international sale to Australia this week and in the coming weeks I will be expanding my shipping options. In the meantime you can always request international shipping quotes if you don't see your country listed.

Also, we now accept Etsy Gift Cards!!!  Etsy Gift Cards are a great gift because half the fun of Etsy is browsing and choosing.  Now buyers can use gift cards in the bird shop.  Learn more about it here.

I've been trying hard to get some holiday items up in the shop, but grad school is very time consuming.  But I've been day dreaming about holiday aprons while I study so I've cut out some fabric and hope to finish up a few this weekend.

As Thanksgiving approaches we are having a hard time because we are feeling the loss of Mrs. Lady Bird more acutely.  We plan to be with family and share our thanks for them.  I hope you all can share some time with your family too this holiday.  Please travel safe, stay warm and eat inappropriate amounts of pie.

this little bird

1 comment:

  1. you are one of my Liebster Award nominations! More info is in my blog, but meanwhile, here are the rules:
    Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
    They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
    They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to
    The rules are:

    They must then choose 11 special bloggers to tag & award with the Liebster award with less than 200 followers.
    These lucky bloggers must be told in a comment on their blog.

    Have fun!
